There is at least one, maybe two likely Gulfstreams 280s based at St Louis that use using PIA hex codes ADS-B Privacy, thus the true registration is unknown.
The flight IDs are XAA#### and on the radio the callsign is "Rockfish####". Usually the flight can be viewed on Flightaware to determine where it is going or if it's returning to St Louis. So if someone is the area could keep an eye on the flight tracking and when it's returning could be on the approach with binos or a good camera to confirm the registration that would be awesome.
I think the regs could be N858CC and/or N838CC. I missed one coming into Dulles a few days ago.
On ADSBexchanage you can apply the PIA filter and easily see when they are active.
The flight IDs are XAA#### and on the radio the callsign is "Rockfish####". Usually the flight can be viewed on Flightaware to determine where it is going or if it's returning to St Louis. So if someone is the area could keep an eye on the flight tracking and when it's returning could be on the approach with binos or a good camera to confirm the registration that would be awesome.
I think the regs could be N858CC and/or N838CC. I missed one coming into Dulles a few days ago.
On ADSBexchanage you can apply the PIA filter and easily see when they are active.