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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Anybody know what the dash of a MINI looks like?

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Nov 5, 2007
Hi group,

My wife just ordered a new Mini Cooper S, and I have a spare PRO-2055 (with DIN sleeve) lying around. Offhand I don't know what the dash looks like, and I can't seem to find a good detailed, high-quality pic of the dash online. Anybody know if there are any "natural" mounting spots for a DIN-sized scanner?


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
I don't know if they've changed the layout since 2004, but this is a 2004 Mini JCW Cooper S that has been campaigned in the Targa Newfoundland rally for the past 3 years. This pic was taken this past September; even if you can't fit the radio in the middle of the dash where there appears to be a slot for it (after moving stuff around, I'm sure), maybe this will give you other mounting ideas...

pic linked due to ginormous 3072x2304 size


Jul 15, 2007
key2_altfire said:
Hi group,

My wife just ordered a new Mini Cooper S, and I have a spare PRO-2055 (with DIN sleeve) lying around. Offhand I don't know what the dash looks like, and I can't seem to find a good detailed, high-quality pic of the dash online. Anybody know if there are any "natural" mounting spots for a DIN-sized scanner?

I found your post while looking for some ideas myself.

I'm assuming you've got the 2007 hardtop (R56, turbo no supercharged headlights separate from the bonnet) If that's the case then you are in luck as you'll have a second "secret" glove box, a dash panel which you can press and open, it appears slightly larger than DIN size.

If you ordered a Cabriolet then you've got the same model as me and there isn't really much as the gap between the downtubes is about 1 size too small for a DIN unit.

I'm trying to hook up a B996T and the best solution I seem to have is a thru-glass antenna going to the B996T in the glove box then I've got the remote head, I'll trim the downtubes in the spring (I'm up north and it was 4F this morning, I'm not going out to the car to mess around in that) I'm setting up a separate switched power fuse box in the glovebox, and it should basically look OEM when I'm done.

I'm a regular at northamericanmotoring.com and know there are a few HAMs and scanners over there, and I've seem some really nice HAM installs. It might be worth your time signup searching and PMing some folks for how they did they're installs and what hurdles they faced. Plus it's a great community and plenty of MINI info should you want to meet other owners or have questions not covered in the owners manual.

Motor On!



Nov 5, 2007
canav844 said:
I'm assuming you've got the 2007 hardtop (R56, turbo no supercharged headlights separate from the bonnet) If that's the case then you are in luck as you'll have a second "secret" glove box, a dash panel which you can press and open, it appears slightly larger than DIN size.

Yes, that's the car. We ordered it on October 2nd and received it December 12th. As soon as I saw the "secret" glove box my eyes lit up. :cool: I'm still undecided as to which radio I'm going to put in there. The wife has a seven mile commute and almost all of the agencies local to us are on FM analog. (I sold the PRO-2055, like an idiot.)

I'll check out northamericanmotoring.com and cruise a while... thanks for the heads-up!
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