Guy thansk for the info. I have a SDS200 and what I can receive is like you said all garbled.
Yes, definitely worth experimenting with the different filters. SDS100s don't pass encrypted audio (garbling) so if the talkgroup were encrypted it would flash briefly on the screen and you'd see ENCRY on the very topI do not have the SDS so filters may be an issue but I don't know. Hopefully someone with one will chime in here.
I paid for Scanner Master to program me a new SD card and I still am not hearing the PD and County? Scott County Iowa that is.
Anyone have any ideas?
ScannerMaster would have used the information in the RR database for the programming. If nobody submitted that the law enforcement talkgroups were encrypted before they did the programming, that's not ScannerMaster's fault. This is an example of why keeping the database updated with major changes is important. I will add that I usually recommend that people use the free software to do their own programming whenever possible.You should ask for money back.
Once in a while the Dispatcher is in the clear, but haven't heard clear voice on the Police talkgroups for awhile.