I can't find a manual on line, guess cuz its so new....
Initially, you will not want the power mic on when using FM...boosting the audio out of the mic won't work on FM. Good for AM...hope there is a switch to turn it off.
As I can't find a manual, is there an ALC in the radio and a display of its operation on the front panel? On AM you could set the ALC for whatever the manual says is a good setting, then kick in the powermic and make it just a bit more. Too much and no bueno...
If you've got another CB radio that you can use to listen to yourself, that is a big bonus. Or a buddy that can listen while you make small adjustments to the radio and the mic! Of course its gonna be hard to find someone else with FM CB....if you've got a scanner that will let you change the mode, us that in FM to hear yourself...
Good luck...
I just wanna throw this out...you wanna make sure you hold onto the receipt as you may want to return the power mic. Back when I messed with CB they were usually more pain that it was worth getting the right setting!!!