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Jun 5, 2010
I would like to extend my apologies to anyone - including Mr. Maguire - whose feelings might have been hurt. A thread, however, can not be off-subject when the response specifically addresses what is stated in a post.

I realize there are newcomers to Stillwater who may not have a basic understanding of the City of Stillwater; nor understand the dangers its brave and courageous first responders must face day and night even in a town of our size. Nor do they even care how or why or the importance of the city in response to emergencies.

Can one really separate the Medium from the Message? In some minds' the answer is apparently, "yes." Then in this case the information should, at the very least, be kept accurate and factual.

Nonetheless, it is my opinion it is impossible to ignore the human component. That is the men and women who do care about the City and its people from radio information. If there were no radio traffic regarding fires, traffic accidents, bomb threats, then there would be no need for radio information and frequencies.

I support our first responders and I support RadioReference for its support of first responders. We will never forget April 19, 1995 nor 911.
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