stroh said:
I left it as is and get some broken transmissions. The third line of the display sometimes shows P25 and othertimes LNK. When I changed the system type to APCO P25 I hear nothing.
From reading the database entry for Apopka, it should be programmed as a Moto Type II as opposed to a P25 system (for 396/996 users). Because there are some analog TGs on that particular system, it should be programmed as Moto II.
The system in a neighboring county of mine is a mixed-mode analog/P25 system (for reference, the Moto system I'm referring to here is Montgomery County, Pa.), and I have that programmed as Type II in NFM (this appears to be a similar set-up to the Orange County system).
For two other Moto digital systems that I monitor semi-regularly (City of Philadelphia and State of Delaware), because there are no analog TGs, I have them programmed as Type II but set the modulation at FM as opposed to NFM.
I think the cause of the broken transmissions is the distance between Oviedo and Apopka.
That's not unusual for a P25 system - trunked or conventional. My local PD is on a P25 conventional freq and clear (no Winter Park secrecy here). It comes in fairly decently on my 396 with the stock antenna about 10-12 miles to the east into western Delaware County, but going about 5-6 miles to the west (with some hilly terrain thrown in), reception can be spotty at best with lots of broken transmissions (though there's a tower owned by a neighboring town from whom my town is trying to secure space for a transmitter to improve coverage in the northern edges of it's patrol area).
Judging by your statement above, it might also be the strength of signal - or lack thereof - of the Apopka system.