From the posts I have read on Forums the GSSI upgrade is reported as being not that good in its present form.
Also the update is causing problems in apparently unrelated areas, the most noticeable being that the Radio's saved Memory data is 'randomly' being corrupted.
AOR have acknowledged there are problems with FW 2102C for the DV1, and the equivalent for the DV10, and they quickly released a 'fixed' firmware for the DV10, that is also still badly flawed. Somebody at AOR is not FULLY testing these new FW releases, and their Management is failing badly to allow that
That does not mean the Radio's will not run, but it does mean certain functions will fail, sometimes requiring a power down to fix. They say they will issue 'fixed' Firmware soon.
Incorporating TETRA originally was very clever technology, but even cleverer 'marketing' on AOR's part.
Many believed it might decrypt encrypted TETRA. An impossibility in reality.
Now the GSSI addition certainly seems to leave too many imagining that paying for the upgrade may lead to decryption too. A forlorn hope of course.
Almost all the 'interesting' TETRA remains, and will remain unintelligible.
Well done AOR on apparently persuading people they 'need' GSSI, and getting them to pay for the upgrade.
However, even if the GSSI addition worked flawlessly, so many TETRA transmissions are encrypted, is there really that much benefit?
In the past AOR have a very good record regarding new firmware for the AR-DV1. Not this time. At least they acknowledge that.
I know only too well that in programming, the slightest change can result in bad outcomes in very unsuspected areas, which is why Firmware should be really and fully tested to ensure the Radio is working as it should in all areas.
I switched back to FW 1907B, only to find that was having problems after trying 2101C. My DV1 needed a Factory Default RESET, to clear the corrupted data the new firmware had caused. Then all the Search and Memory data had to be restored from backups taken BEFORE using 2101C. Others will have to resort to that too.
Worth noting anyone who backed up that data under 2101C will just have saved 'bad' data, so restoring that is a waste of time.
The AR-DV1 is a superb piece of equipment and remaims a breakthrough in technology (with the right Firmware of course)
Oh, I expect someone will post saying FW 2101C for the AR-DV1 is working perfectly in all areas. They should perhaps email the Company with that information, so AOR can abandon the fixes they say (and others realise) need to be addressed (SIGH).