I have an AR8600 and got the butel software but cannot use it as it cannot find a com port. any suggestions about were to find the port drivers or any advice about the butel software to make it betters
i use the rs232 cable and I use the butel software and when I want to read from the scanner I get the message in the transfer box com/usb port not listed. what can I do to get the software to recognize a port?
I am not computer smart. I looked at my ports and they looked normal and all drivers updated. When I look at added devices I get a message device connected unrecognizable and no drivers found. What do I look for on the comport to see what's going on with it and how can I get it to work. Do I need another cable to hook it all up. Again my computer skills are not very good.
When I us the software for my icon r30 it works fine
The cable I have is a ugreen. it has a 9 pin rs232 cable that plugs in fine to my 8600 and then it has a usb end that plugs into my laptop. there it no. adapter that came with it just the cable itself. If I understand you not all 232 cables are created equally. I guessed wrong in thinking that if my laptop can read all the other scanners I have no problem then it might be something else other than the computer.Go back to basics:
The AOR AR8600 was designed to connect to 9D RS232 port - few modern computers have these so some kind of adapter is required.
Do you have a real 9D serial port on your PC? If YES, then what kind of cable are you using between it and the receiver? You must NOT use a null-modem cable.
If there is no serial port built in then.....
What kind of adapter are you using? Have you installed the drivers that came with it?
The icom uses it's own supplied cable and drivers - what has that got to do with your AR8600?