Arson / DFD FF bit

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Oct 19, 2006
NOT in Alaska, damnit!
5169 West Exposition in Denver. Started about 2030 Saturday (1-27) night.

This is all unofficial. Second-hand stuff from witnesses on-scene.

Estranged husband / boyfriend apparently walkes into girlfriend's / wife's (don't know which one) house, douses the woman and an infant girl with gasoline along with the rest of the house and sets it on fire. Somehow, the domestic part of this gets called into Denver PD, but the fire part isn't discovered until PD officers arrive. They call FD who reports that house is fully involved upon their arrival.

Thankfully, woman and baby escape unharmed to a neighbor's house. The home set on fire is heavily damaged and may be a total loss.

While fighting the fire, a FF gets bit by what looks to be a pit bull (illegal in Denver) in the back yard. He's transported to Denver Health. Unknown conditiion as of this writing. Also saw LOTS of FF's going down on the ice. Very slippery conditions. Don't think anyone was hurt though.

Officially, all DFD will say as of this writing is that there was a fire, it appears suspicious, police are questioning a person of interest, a firefighter was hurt, and cold weather makes fighting the fire difficult.

News organizations do not normally use pure scanner traffic as a source for a story. Witnesses nearby spoke little english and were reluctant to talk to the media. That's where all the unofficial stuff came from, so it may take a day or two for all these details to be filtered out through the news.

Thought it was unique enough to be posted.
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