If you don't have access to the APX migration tool, there is a way you could still save yourself a lot of time. While you don't get the option to right click copy/paste in Astro 25 CPS. Ctrl + C still works.
While it won't save you as much time as the migration tool, you can copy/paste the talk group ID into excel using ctrl + shift and down to highlight all the talk groups and then ctrl + c to copy and paste them into excel. In excel, delete everything to the right of the talk group ID
In excel, insert a new column in front of the talk group ID and name the talk group as it's known in the trunking system. Take that information and paste into APX CPS. From there you just have configure a few things in the trunking personality.
In the zone channel assignment you can use this same process and at the very least, get your channel layout out done and channel names out of the way.
With 50 zones it's will still take a day but it's better than doing absolutely everything one by one.