Understanding that these wonderful online feeds are graciously provided on a volunteer basis and come through my computer like a generous audio gift (have I kissed up enough yet?)...Does anyone know what's up with the Baltimore City Fire online feed? The one I've been using on my laptop, and could access on my Droid using Scanner Buddy, has been offline since Saturday night (right in the middle of a fascinating CO call with forced entry on Northern Pkwy!). On Sunday, I noticed that two new feeds have appeared, one for dispatch and one for fireground. I connnected with them briefly on Sunday, but now the fireground feed is offline. And even if both new feeds were working, the offline status of the original combined feed renders my Scanner Buddy Droid app ineffective, so no more listening in the car. At this point, getting real scanner equipment would require some marital negotiations in which I would probably not fare well at the present time...I need my online feed! Does anyone know what's up?