Thanks for the replies.....not sure it'd be worth changing over to Comcast at this point, because their upload speed is basically the same as the DSL connection. And yeah, I could either use dyndns or the Streamweb service to get around the dynamic IP...still debating...this would coincide with a move, so I have time.
I thought the hostname was having trouble resolving from work, but another guy clicked on it and up it came, so I guess the configuration is valid for a static IP.
Yes, Micro$oft doesn't want you using their Media Player to play Shoutcast streams in .mp3 format (the listen.pls your PC is trying to download is actually the pointer to the stream). There are ways around that.
File | Open URL and manually paste the URL into the blank.
Download and install Winamp. Nice thin and free player. There are many other free players that are a lot thinner than WMP.
here and download/install Open Playlist in WMP. Associates itself with .pls extensions and will open Media Player and play the stream automagically. Supports AAC streams as well.