Let's start from the beginning- the current county system is easy to hear, and you'll have no trouble with the XT to program it. However, if - and that's a big word here - if the new system will use the same modulation scheme as the Baltimore city system, along with multiple towers for simulcasting (last I heard there will be 2 zones...) none of the Unidens will work very well with it, the 396XT included. And as far as I can recall, the GRE/RS object oriented scanners (PSR-500, PSR-600, PRO-197 or PRO-106) haven't had all that much success with it either.
Evidently the GRE PSR-800 and the very old PRO-96 or PRO-2096 have had some success with the City system - and I'm sure others will chime in here - but those are the only 3 I know about that have. I have heard nothing about users of the Uniden HP1 and the City system, particularly with the recent upgrade to the firmware and support software.
I wish there were better news, but it appears the days of monitoring the County with easy to get digital trunktrackers are coming to a close, unless Uniden and GRE/RS improve their firmware - and at least so far, there doesn't seem to be anything on the horizon for it...best regards...Mike