What is there to listen to in Bangor?
Don't worry, all the towns around us love to burn everything to the ground. Oh and people are crazy up here, jumpers, stand offs, just plain wacko place. Well, there’s the same local Rite Aid store that keeps getting robbed too. lol.
Any TRS or P25 up that way?
Only P25 is the Crash Rescue at Bangor International. The first place to land when coming over the pond with a "suspicious device". But since I'm not dropping the doe for a scanner based on 1 freq. I won't have that yet. Local FBI and Law get all twitchy when you talk about planes and such anyways.
I'm toying with the idea lately of having my 996 do some recording when something interesting pops up locally.
The BC855xlt is plugged into a separate sound card. I record a couple of frequencies with Vox2file. I reset the Vox2file when it records about an hour’s worth of audio. With the voice activated recording, that’s about a 24 hour period. We are not as busy as others, busier then some. Space on my system is not an issue, so I store about 3 months’ worth. It’s always running, always there, occasionally the program craps out and I have missed something, but 90% of the time, all good.
The LMR-400 is not for the recording setup, I live right in town and the Bangor repeater is close enough not to waste any resources on that scanner.