So.... I went to use my g4 today after it was out of the charger for around 5 days and it was dead. How many days are others getting. Seems to me it drains the battery pretty quickly when off the charger when not turned on. The g4 was fully charged and the battery is only around 3 months old.
I just found the same exact dead battery situation in my G5.
It had been in the charger for a week or two unused so it should have had a full charge.
I took it out of the charger base about 7 days ago and set it on the desk, Just now tried to turn it on after reading your post.
The G5 will not power on nor will it show that it's charging on the LCD when I put it in the charging base or plug it into USB power.
The RED LED does light on top of the G5 indicating it probably is charging.
I took the battery out this time and it measured 2.66 VDC so not totally flat.
This is the newer Lithium Ion cell that Unication sent for free to replace the original Lithium Polymer cells.
I've had this same exact problem with this G5 before and I think the old Li-Polymer cell. When it happened then, I failed to measure the cell voltage to see if it still had some voltage in it or not. Most people know that running a Li cell totally flat usually ruins the cell permanently.
In that earlier case, I could not even get the G5's charge LED to come on when hooked to a charger. That kinda told me the cell was probably flat as in 0.00 VDC.
In order to get that one to charge, I had to attach an external trickle charge voltage of about 2 volts to the cell and then it started charging in the G5 again.
Right now I just looked at my G5 again sitting in the charging cradle and I could see right away that the charge LED was much brighter and it does power up now with a low battery warning.
I turned it right back off though but I'm sure it will go through a cold boot when I do turn it on after the charge LED turns green.
After this happened the first time, I've usually just left it sitting in the charging base or hooked to USB power as that should not hurt anything if the charge circuit is turning off like it normally does with Lithium cells.
I also have an Icom IC-R30. I place it in its charging cradle and it will charge until full and the LED turns green. But... if I don't remove and place the R30 back into its cradle every so often, the charger will never turn on when the cell starts getting low when not even using the radio.
I tested that with USB charging and the R30 did the same thing. It will always charge to 100% but if left in a charger or attached to an always on USB power source, it's not smart enough to keep itself topped off at 100%. I must remove charge power and reapply it again in order for the R30 to charge back to 100%. I can also trigger the charge to start again by simply turning the R30 on for a minute and then back off and it will charge back to 100%.
Now I'm wondering if the charging circuit in the G4 or G5 does not have the same limitation as my Icom IC-R30 where it will always read full even when it has self discharged while sitting in the charger cradle. So when you pull it out, it may not have really had a 100% charge if it has not been used but attached to a charge power source for several days.
I need to test that with the amplified charging base I usually use as well as when charging with a USB power supply and cord of 1 amp or more capacity.