Does anyone have setup guide for dummies for this unit. Just new to scanning and having a hard time following nidens difficult instructions? Would appreciate the help. Thanks
Program Conventional frequencies
Press the Hold key to place the scanner in
Hold mode
enter frequency 154.235 for example
Quick Freq Save?
Eyes key
turn scroll key to New channel press Eyes
Input all the frequencies 1 by 1.
Program Motorola Type II
Obtain the control channels for the Mot type II system
for example
City of Salem "B" Tower Trunking System, Salem, Oregon - Scanner Frequencies
Menu > Program System > New System > MOT >
Edit site > New Site >Set Frequencies > New Frequency >
856.4875 >Eyes
Scroll to New frequency press Eyes key
857.4875 >Eyes
New frequency appears press Eyes key
858.4875 >Eyes
press L/O key
You can now press Scan to scan the system and conventional frequencies you just programmed.