BCD396XT and CTCSS...

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May 30, 2009
In a house along a busy road in Mercer County, Far
Ok, this scanner is capable of doing so much and I hope I can add this to the learn something new everyday list.

Lets see if I can make some sense here... What I want to know and figure out is if I can search out the CTCSS or DCS (aka PL & DPL) tones of some of the frequencies I have entered in the scanner. My area uses the same frequency for a couple of departments and I only want to listen to one of them. I looked in the database for a listing for the tone but it isn't listed. So can someone give me some direction on finding my PL tones? Hope I am getting across what I mean.

I have read that there is a program out there that I could also use if my xt doesn't do the job. Am I correct in stating that?


Feb 22, 2010
Put the frequency you are interested in PL/DPL tone search mode. The scanner will display the tones that are used on that frequency and when the station you want to listen to transmits press the Eyes key to save that tone.
You can also use Tone L/O on a frequency so you only hear non-toned or other toned transmissions on a frequency if you need to.
May 30, 2009
In a house along a busy road in Mercer County, Far

I have been going through the menu and looking and trying to figure this out. I am missing something! Even with checking out the manual I just can't figure out how to program this to find the tones. I am missing something and while I am missing it I am also just going in circles.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I have been going through the menu and looking and trying to figure this out. I am missing something! Even with checking out the manual I just can't figure out how to program this to find the tones. I am missing something and while I am missing it I am also just going in circles.
For the frequency in question, your first step is to make sure the 'audio type' is set to "Analog only". If you're doing that on the scanner, that will let you access the next menu, where you can set either a CTCSS (PL) tone, a DCS code, set it to search for active tones/codes, set a lockout (so that you don't hear another agency on a specific tone or code), or set the function to off. If using FreeScan, set the tone/code field to "Search" and tab off of it. The 'Audio type' column should then flip to "Analog only".


Oct 22, 2007
One way might be:

1. Hold on the stored frequency when you hear it (or go to the stored frequency in the group of the system where it is already stored).

2. Press Eyes (or if you have mannually gone to the frequency in a group of a system you can either press Eyes or push down on the scoll knob)

3. Scroll to "Set Audio Type" - this should be the third choice from the top

4. Press Eyes or push down on scroll knob

5. Scroll to "Analog Only" - this should be third choice from the top

6. Press Eyes or push down on scroll knob

7. Scroll to "Search" - this should be the -second choice from the top

8. Press Eyes or push down on scroll knob to make selection

the "set lockout" is also at the step 7 menu level and it is the last choice -- this is where you lock out an undesirable DCS or CTCSS but still search for other privacy codes, as mentioned in the post above.

If you haven't stored the frequency yet, then you press Eyes when it pops up on the scanner. Then confirm that you want to save when asked "Quick Freq Sav? with another Eyes. This saves the frequency and opens up in the frequency's menu: Edit Name, Edit Frequency, Set Audio Type, Set Number Tag, etc...
May 30, 2009
In a house along a busy road in Mercer County, Far

I thought I was able to do this by just using the scanner itself. I did read however that I could use a program also. So, I guess that this cannot be done just by using my 396xt all by itself? I do use FreeScan to program the scanner so if I can't use the scanner by itself then I will have to get out the laptop and open up FreeScan. This has turned into a project!!!


Oct 22, 2007
If you don't already have the frequency saved, you can hit Eyes when it pops up, and then hit Eyes again when asked "Quick Freq Sav?" -- these steps automatically create a conventional system called "Qck Save Cnv Sys"" with one group called "Qck Save Grp" with this frequency in it -- and it opens up to the frequency level menu described above. "Qck Save Grp" is where all your "quick saves" will automatically go. Rename the Qck Save Grp" as needed, then do another "quick save' and a new "Qck Save Grp" will automatically be created with this new frequency.

To start your own new system:

1. press menu on the left side of the scanner.

2. scroll to "Program System"

3. choose "Program System" by pressing Eyes or pressing down the scroll knob

4. scroll counter clockwise to "New System"

5. choose "new system" by pressing Eyess or pressing down on the scroll knob.

6. scroll to "conventional"

7. select "conventional " by pressing Eyess or by pressing down on the scroll knob

8. Pess Eyes when asked "Confirm?" Yes=Eyes / No = "."

9. You hav now created a conventional system. You are at the conventional system menu -- Edit Name, Edit Sys Options, Edit Group, etc..

10. Scroll to Edit Group

11. Select "Edit Group" by pressing Eyes or pressing down on the scroll knob

12. "New Group" appears -- press Eyes or press down on the scroll knob. You are now in the Group menu level -- Edit Name, Set Quik Key, Edit Channel, etc...

13. Scroll to "Edit Channel", the third option

14. Select "Edit Channel" by pressing Eyes or pressing down on the scroll knob.

15. Sroll to "New Channel"

16. Select "New Channel" by pressing Eyes or pressing down onthe scroll knob.

17. Now you are at the "Input Frequency Screen" -- enter the frequency using the key pad numbers

18. Press Eyes or press down on the scroll knob.

19. Now you are at the Frequency Menu Level -- Edit Name, Edit Frequency, Set Audio Type, etc..

20. Scroll to "Set Audio Type"

21. Select "Set Audio Type" by pressing Eyes or by pressing down on the scroll knob

22. follow steps in prior post above.

Well, at least that's how I think it might be done! Probably missed something somewhere....

Use Freescan, it is easier.

Kinda gotta figure out the menu tree levels, like System Level, Group Level, Frequency/Channel Level, etc..

that took awhile to type....
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May 30, 2009
In a house along a busy road in Mercer County, Far
Thank you Uniden Masters.

Thanks for all of the help. I did get it figured out with your help. Now it seems pretty dang easy. I was just missing it, like for some reason I just wasn't grasping whole concept.
I just got a kick from the peanut gallery (the wife) saying "well imagine that, Scott just doesn't get it". LoL :) I had to enlighten her.... "it's not the first time I didn't get the XT and it will not be the last". Please stand by as I saw something about bandscope.... No clue what it is about but I will be looking into it sometime soon!


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
Thanks for all of the help. I did get it figured out with your help. Now it seems pretty dang easy. I was just missing it, like for some reason I just wasn't grasping whole concept.
I just got a kick from the peanut gallery (the wife) saying "well imagine that, Scott just doesn't get it". LoL :) I had to enlighten her.... "it's not the first time I didn't get the XT and it will not be the last". Please stand by as I saw something about bandscope.... No clue what it is about but I will be looking into it sometime soon!

It is sort of hidden, there under Audio Type. It is also important to remember that you have to select "Analog" as the audio type. If you select both, you might be able to select "Search" but it won't work. Set Audio type to "Analog" and then you can select "Search" and the CTCSS tone will be displayed when the scanner receives a transmission on that frequency. Then you can press E/Yes and you will have the option of entering the displayed tone.

All of the DMA scanners are complex (although Uniden probably prefers the terms "feature rich", so it takes a while to figure out all of the different features.
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