Not sure if 996p2 is the same display as bcd536hp? Here's what it does.
P25 appears if the channel is receiving digitalized voice in Receive/Hold Modes (Disp. Unit ID Off-BCD436HP only).
PT0 appears if the channel is receiving Phase II time slot 0.
PT1 appears if the channel is receiving Phase II time slot 1. PX0 appears if the channel is receiving X2 time slot 0. PX1 appears if the channel is receiving X2 time slot 1. PRV appears if the channel is receiving ProVoice. DMR appears if the channel is receiving DMR Tier I/II. CAP appears if the channel is receiving a Capcity+ system. CON appears if the channel is receiving a Connection+ system. DT3 appears if the channel is a Tier III control channel. S1/S2 appears to show DMR slot assignment.
LNK appears when data is received on a voice channel in Receive/Hold Modes.
DAT appears when data is received on a control channel in Receive/Hold Modes.
True, but each display mode does not display all info - one mode will show Cap+, DMR, etc., one mode will show slot number, and one mode will show Color Code, RAN, PL, Etc.