BCT15 GPS noob question

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Jul 3, 2011
Long Beach, CA
Hey guys, I have had a BCT15 for a few years now, but never used it all that much other then a select 5 frequencies I listen to. I understand a few things but not much.

I have been looking at buying the GPS in the link below. but I have a few questions about hooking it up. It's for the location based scanning, but I cant really find all that much information for it. Is it really something that you can just plug in and it works and knows where you are and which frequencies are near you? or is it something you have to program and setup? if so how do you set that up?

Amazon.com: Garmin 18x PC GPS Navigator Unit: Electronics

Thanks ahead for be considerate to a noob =)


Premium Subscriber
Jul 27, 2009
Richmond Hill, ON
I just hooked up my gps 18x to my BCT15 yesterday, and yes you can just plug it in and it works and knows where you are...but that's where the simplicity ends. The rest is done by the scanner, and in order for it to be able to lock and unlock systems as you travel you have to first program in the locations (lat and long) for those systems and a range for them. If you look up a system in the RR database, the sites are usually a link to the gps data for those sites. Even better, if you use an app like FreeScan to download the systems from RR (premium subscription required) then the GPS data (if it exists) is automatically downloaded as well.

But I have to ask...if you're listening to just five frequencies, is it worth getting the GPS unit?
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