ptr, the BCT8 is very old technology; the 15X has many more features, and I believe it to be a superior scanner for many reasons.
But we're really getting ahead of ourselves. You need to answer a few questions in order to choose the scanner that will work the best for you;
- What do I want to hear?
- If you're a ham, you have the option in Florida, I believe, to have a scanner in the car. Are you going to listen primarily when you are at home, in the car, walking about...
There are many more questions and issues that you need to consider, and we have a couple of things in our wiki that can help. Go to the blue toolbar under the Scanner Master ad, float your mouse over Wiki then select Wiki Home. The resulting page has a section called 'Links for Newcomers'. This is where I would start, particularly emphasizing the Scanner 101 and Scanner Q&A articles (in all cases, both in the wiki and here, anything in blue is a link).
You can easily research any of the popular scanners by using our wiki - keep the Glossary link handy, as I'm sure you will refer to it a lot as you go. In that same pulldown, there's a selection called Radio Models In the preamble of that article, you have 2 links - click on Analog Trunktrackers From there you will get a list of all the analog trunktrackers on the market. Click on the one you wish to research.
73 (best regards) Mike