Pursuant to a waiver request granted in 1985, the FCC permits Chevra Hatzalah Inc., (“Hatzalah”), to operate frequency 160.280 MHz at several locations in the metropolitan New York City area under call signs WPRF775 and KFM561. By the instant application Hatzalah requests authority to modify authorization WPRF775 to relocate locations 1, 2, and 4 and add a new fixed site and mobile site under locations 11 and 12. Additionally, Hatzalah submits that the instant application does not require frequency coordination pursuant to the following: There are no licensees authorized to operate on 160.280 MHz within seventy-five (75) miles of the fixed station locations listed on the instant application. There are no licensees authorized to operate on frequencies within 15 kHz of frequency 160.280 MHz within ten (10) miles of the fixed station locations listed on the instant application. Further, there are no licensees authorized to operate on frequencies within 15 kHz of frequency 160.280 MHz located between ten (10) and thirty-five (35) miles from the fixed station locations listed on the instant application.