Besides the COM, and x911 TGs, I would suggest
11E911, 11EMED1, 11SMCAS, 11FGxx, 11UICxx
If into the parks, WARREN7 (3315) could be useful, as it is Warren Dunes State park, which is pretty busy during the summer.
Note that, unlike most MI counties, the COMs are used for most PD dispatches, with P911 used mostly for priority or 911 calls. MSP in this area is mostly on the county PD TGs and typically only doing shift check-in/checkout on the district 5 TG. I would still monitor though.
Other notes:
- MDTs are being used
- 11COM (1423) might be a typo in the DB. Never heard it
- There is a fireground 5 TG, yet to be identified
Have fun!