I get great reception with my Maxrad BMAX1000 Scanner Antenna mounted with a black Antenex L-Bracket mount. The antenna itself ran me about $20, and the bracket about $5.
I get great reception with my Maxrad BMAX1000 Scanner Antenna mounted with a black Antenex L-Bracket mount. The antenna itself ran me about $20, and the bracket about $5.
We have a metal fabricating shop locally that has supplied us with hand made 16 gauge stainless steel L brackets with an NMO sized mount hole punched in the top for $8.00. All we do once we have the bracket is attach an NMO mount and cable and drill two 9/64 inch holes as needed to mount the bracket to the trunk lip (cars) or hood lip (vans). You may wish to call around locally to see if a shop can make one for you. We have them made 2.5 inches wide with 2 inch top and a 3 inch vertical. That seems to accomodate all our application needs. We use the Radiall-Larsen NMO150/450/800 antenna and those L brackets on all our Chaplain fleet mobiles with very good results.