I want the ultimate scanner that will not be obsolete. I travel alot internationally and domestically. Being able to scan anything can save your life during a hurricane or other diaster. I am in PA alot and noticed that the state police and cities are going ditital. Is it possible to get a scanner that scans everything including digital? I will drop the money b.c it might save my life by giving me info and serve as plain entertainment. It helps me avoid dangers, get info when in a traffic jam, and provides entertainment on road trips. I like to know whats going on around me.
Would like it to work with an optional magnetic antenna. Want it to have the best reception with what it comes with but an external antenna could come in handy.
What are the best hand held scanners known to man? Do any of them equal the performance of the larger non portable ones? Money is no concern but I dont want to pay for more than I need.
I have a 250.00 hand held radio shack previous generation trunked that sucks. The speakers hurt my ears and overall it is junk. It is not as useful b.c it doesnt do the digital frequencies.
-It must be able to scan anything close to me even if its not programmed i.e. in 9-11 agencies from other states had their equipment up there and if I was only scanning programed stuff I might of missed info when I was leaving the city. If you close to a bad situation the news doesnt give you info fast enough. Its better to hear first hand what first responders are confronted with.
What frequencies do these things scan other than FRS, weather, police, fire airport? Is it possible to scan national guard and other incripted stuff? Can I scan ham frequencies? The more info the better.
Are there any other forums out there or is this the best one for me to get this info?
Uniden | A World Without Wires - BCD396T
Uniden | A World Without Wires - BCD396XT
Would like it to work with an optional magnetic antenna. Want it to have the best reception with what it comes with but an external antenna could come in handy.
What are the best hand held scanners known to man? Do any of them equal the performance of the larger non portable ones? Money is no concern but I dont want to pay for more than I need.
I have a 250.00 hand held radio shack previous generation trunked that sucks. The speakers hurt my ears and overall it is junk. It is not as useful b.c it doesnt do the digital frequencies.
-It must be able to scan anything close to me even if its not programmed i.e. in 9-11 agencies from other states had their equipment up there and if I was only scanning programed stuff I might of missed info when I was leaving the city. If you close to a bad situation the news doesnt give you info fast enough. Its better to hear first hand what first responders are confronted with.
What frequencies do these things scan other than FRS, weather, police, fire airport? Is it possible to scan national guard and other incripted stuff? Can I scan ham frequencies? The more info the better.
Are there any other forums out there or is this the best one for me to get this info?
Uniden | A World Without Wires - BCD396T
Uniden | A World Without Wires - BCD396XT