Best portable cb possible? Please help

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Oct 17, 2010
I want the ultimate scanner that will not be obsolete. I travel alot internationally and domestically. Being able to scan anything can save your life during a hurricane or other diaster. I am in PA alot and noticed that the state police and cities are going ditital. Is it possible to get a scanner that scans everything including digital? I will drop the money b.c it might save my life by giving me info and serve as plain entertainment. It helps me avoid dangers, get info when in a traffic jam, and provides entertainment on road trips. I like to know whats going on around me.

Would like it to work with an optional magnetic antenna. Want it to have the best reception with what it comes with but an external antenna could come in handy.

What are the best hand held scanners known to man? Do any of them equal the performance of the larger non portable ones? Money is no concern but I dont want to pay for more than I need.

I have a 250.00 hand held radio shack previous generation trunked that sucks. The speakers hurt my ears and overall it is junk. It is not as useful b.c it doesnt do the digital frequencies.

-It must be able to scan anything close to me even if its not programmed i.e. in 9-11 agencies from other states had their equipment up there and if I was only scanning programed stuff I might of missed info when I was leaving the city. If you close to a bad situation the news doesnt give you info fast enough. Its better to hear first hand what first responders are confronted with.

What frequencies do these things scan other than FRS, weather, police, fire airport? Is it possible to scan national guard and other incripted stuff? Can I scan ham frequencies? The more info the better.

Are there any other forums out there or is this the best one for me to get this info?

Uniden | A World Without Wires - BCD396T

Uniden | A World Without Wires - BCD396XT


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
tbirdclassic: I want the ultimate scanner that will not be obsolete. Sorry, all scanners will eventually be obsolete. Standards change. Not rapidly, but 5-10 years from now. I travel alot internationally and domestically. Hopefully you're aware that in many other countries, possession of a scanner will get you tossed in jail as a spy. Being able to scan anything can save your life during a hurricane or other diaster. I am in PA alot and noticed that the state police and cities are going ditital. Is it possible to get a scanner that scans everything including digital? Some digital, yes. APCO P25, as long as it's not encrypted, can be scanned. Other modes like MotoTRBO, OpenSky, ProVoice cannot, and near certainly never will be. Sadly for you, Pennsylvania's Statewide system (STARNet) uses the OpenSky digital protocol, and CANNOT be monitored by any scanner. I will drop the money b.c it might save my life by giving me info and serve as plain entertainment. It helps me avoid dangers, get info when in a traffic jam, and provides entertainment on road trips. I like to know whats going on around me.

Would like it to work with an optional magnetic antenna. Want it to have the best reception with what it comes with but an external antenna could come in handy.

What are the best hand held scanners known to man? Do any of them equal the performance of the larger non portable ones? Money is no concern but I dont want to pay for more than I need.

I tend to prefer Uniden, myself. If you want handheld, that means the BC396XT. Mobile/Base, the 996XT. If you want digital, unless you search out used gear, it's going to run about $500.

I have a 250.00 hand held radio shack previous generation trunked that sucks. The speakers hurt my ears and overall it is junk. It is not as useful b.c it doesnt do the digital frequencies.

-It must be able to scan anything close to me even if its not programmed Not going to happen. The scanner is not intelligent. It can't guess what you want to listen to. It needs to be programmed for what you want. i.e. in 9-11 agencies from other states had their equipment up there and if I was only scanning programed stuff I might of missed info when I was leaving the city. If you close to a bad situation the news doesnt give you info fast enough. Its better to hear first hand what first responders are confronted with. Do bear in mind that 'first responder' radio traffic is often wildly in error about the facts. It takes them time to figure out what's really happening.

What frequencies do these things scan other than FRS, weather, police, fire airport? Is it possible to scan national guard and other incripted stuff? By definition, no, you cannot scan encrypted. That's why they encrypted it. To keep you from being able to listen. Can I scan ham frequencies? The more info the better. There are a very wide range of things to listen to. Yes, ham, some (non-encrypted) National Guard, though finding them won't be easy, trains, aircraft, businesses.
Are there any other forums out there or is this the best one for me to get this info?
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
It surely sounds like you are out of luck regarding listening to things on the scanner. Although Texas has some cities with Pro-Voice and encryption, most of the state is open to monitor, provided you have a digital scanner. In my opinion, the Home Patrol might be an option worth exploring for agencies other than the ones shown in the message above. You might be able to hear some things. If you want, go to the following Home Patrol page. Click on the demo and enter the appropriate zip code. Then, you can see some of what is available in the area. Then, you might determine if the expense is worth it.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
PS: Since you are traveling, Home Patrol might be something that would not take a great deal of programming to listen as you go.


Oct 17, 2010
Maybe I should just stick with the radio shack model that I have. Does a digital scanner mean it scans ditital frequencies? The one I posted for 500 says it can pick up frequencies that are near by even if I dont know them.


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
'Nearby' means 10-1000 feet, depending on the local RF noise floor in the band in question.

There are no 'digital' frequencies. There are just plain old frequencies, which can be used with analog (old fm) or digital (APCO 25, others) modulation.

As the FCC is currently splitting channels up into multiple new channels, newer scanners may be able to select the new channels where an older scanner cannot, so you might end up off a few KHz (no more than 2.5) on newer channels.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 29, 2006
I want the ultimate scanner that will not be obsolete. I travel alot internationally and domestically. Being able to scan anything can save your life during a hurricane or other diaster. I am in PA alot and noticed that the state police and cities are going ditital. Is it possible to get a scanner that scans everything including digital? I will drop the money b.c it might save my life by giving me info and serve as plain entertainment. It helps me avoid dangers, get info when in a traffic jam, and provides entertainment on road trips. I like to know whats going on around me.

Would like it to work with an optional magnetic antenna. Want it to have the best reception with what it comes with but an external antenna could come in handy.

What are the best hand held scanners known to man? Do any of them equal the performance of the larger non portable ones? Money is no concern but I dont want to pay for more than I need.

I have a 250.00 hand held radio shack previous generation trunked that sucks. The speakers hurt my ears and overall it is junk. It is not as useful b.c it doesnt do the digital frequencies.

-It must be able to scan anything close to me even if its not programmed i.e. in 9-11 agencies from other states had their equipment up there and if I was only scanning programed stuff I might of missed info when I was leaving the city. If you close to a bad situation the news doesnt give you info fast enough. Its better to hear first hand what first responders are confronted with.

What frequencies do these things scan other than FRS, weather, police, fire airport? Is it possible to scan national guard and other incripted stuff? Can I scan ham frequencies? The more info the better.

Are there any other forums out there or is this the best one for me to get this info?

Uniden | A World Without Wires - BCD396T

Uniden | A World Without Wires - BCD396XT

I'm going to suggest you do some reading on the subject to learn more about the things you wish to listen to. This is a vast and varied hobby and many of your questions you may answer yourself.:)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Yes, the HP does pick up radio systems that don't require an intimate knowledge of their construction, operation, etc. Furthermore, you can add CB frequencies to HP, channel 19. If money is not an object, then you might invest in Home Patrol. Although this radio is less complex in operation than another traditional digital scanner, it does require some adjustment, on occasion. HP requires the user to obtain data from the internet, etc. The optimal condition for HP operation, in my opinion, would involve attaching GPS. Then, you could ride down the road while the unit automatically loads the frequencies. After reviewing the database, I see where you won't be listening to PA state agencies or National Guard units through the statewide radio system. But, there should be plenty of other agencies to monitor. I agree on one thing, "do your homework." RR is an outstanding source of information. Good luck.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
PS: By the way, what RS scanner do you currently own? You might get by with this radio if you were to make some modifications. They do make some pretty nice external speakers with filters since you said it "hurt your ears." I pass my 3.5 mm phone jack from my GRE PSR 500 straight into the auxillary input of my Kenwood stereo. Then, it passes through a JBL amplifier. Hence, it is loud. Ha.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
You know, I was thinking the same thing about the heading, but the content suggested "scanner."


Jan 5, 2003
Belmont, Ms.
Yes, Ensnared you are correct. it did sound as if he was asking about C.B.'s. But as you stated the content "suggested scanner."

Thanks, for not being a smart a**!!


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
You're welcome. I am finding more and more individuals who view life from their posterior sphincter. I hope you find your radio.
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