I've got one like that and I'm not really fond of it. It's kind of a pain to get it to pair and it only lasts maybe 5 hours. I ended up getting an Anker Bluetooth speaker and just plug it into the scanner with an auxiliary cord. The speaker is probably the best $38 I've ever spent. Lasts for at least 2 day's on a charge and mine is on for around 12 hours a day. Great sound also.Looking for a Bluetooth receiver similar to this one. There are a bunch on the market. Just curious of what any one is using. I will be using it solely for vehicle use on a SDS100
I bought a Hagibis Bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter Receiver for my SDS100. It works good but doesn't have the best battery. I have paired it with my Cowin and MPOW headsets and have had no issues.
both have to be in paring mode find out on each product, I use this one just hold the power button down to start paring and do what ever the headset tells for paringI bought the Hagibis transmitter from Amazon, its charged and ready to go just cant figure out how to pair it with my headset..... The documentation with the headset is very vague almost like its written by the same people that produce the instructions for a Baofeng. Looked on the website but that was also pointless. Anyone have any helpful tips on how to pair this with a bluetooth headset?
What hearing aid are you using ?? Can't find one for Oticon !!!!!I recently purchased one of the Taotronics ones as an experiment to see how well it would transmit to my hearing aids. Works reasonably well, better than having to wear headphones when in the house, its also very handy when I'm driving.
But I agree that a decent Bluetooth speaker would be better for most situations.