N9JIG said:
Buy Norfolk Southern Fast
Big New Sante Fe
Or if you may happen to have worked for them at the time of the merger... "Burlington Northern Santa F(Expletive Deleted)" I had *several* good friends, with good seniority no less, end up getting shafted then. (However most of them have discovered that they may have ended up getting the better deal than some others who were kept on and now you can hear some of the retainees using the same`translation'. {WAN GRIN!} Sometimes it makes one wonder just what passes for thought in management at times.)
On maybe a better train of thought... I don't know if I've mentioned it here or not but, right now we, my family and I, are attempting to sell what remains of our family farm here in CO and moving on to, hopefully, greener pastures. The place we are doing the majority of our looking in just happens to be up around the Wheatland, Wyo area. Basically right in the middle of one of BNSF's more interestingly `active' areas. One of the places we have been most actively interested in is situated such that I'll have pretty much of a straight shot N/S, up/dn, a fairly active section of their line through there along with a fairly clear Westward overlook of the yards, as it may be, on the Eastern side of Wheatland itself. (Clear enough that from the upper Westside hayloft windows of the barn I can just about view almost all of the yards with only having to use either a pair of binocs or small spotting scope for the extremities. [I'm seriously considering setting up a decent CCTV camera with a remote control mount and zoom lens along with a scanner and putting them online if possible if we *do* manage to get the place. Imagine being able to log on to our website and have online remote control for seeing what is in and passing through a microcosm of a major rail line whilst sitting home at one's computer someplace entirely different. It's not probably all that new an idea but I think it would be a lot of fun doing it for those railfans who probably might not ever get a chance to actually physically visit. (SWMBO, I, and our children, have also batted around the idea of maybe also providing a place for other railfans to `hang their hat' if they are ever out our way along maybe also going on excursions, might even get in some `chasing' piled together into a 4X4, or two, if it strikes our fancy, around the area. I grew up in Wyoming and even after all the years spent down here in `The People's Republic of Californrado... err... Colorado' I've discovered that I still have a tad bit more than a few `connections' up there. Much to my amazment! As long as we don't pull any dad blamed foole `furiner' stunts and generally behaves our selves everyone to whom I've had a chance to have spoken to about this have been well disposed to letting us `have our little fun'. [It's just like going hunting and fishing around there. Generally all one has to do it take the time to stop and ask, listen carefully, and then follow through and do one's part. It's quite amazing what just being `sociable' can do even these days. Despite what tales one hears here and there olde fashioned `Western Hospitality' still exists. After all... We, even when we are actually living there, are quite proud of our State and like to show others why. {VB GRIN!}])])
Back on subject... While I can somewhat understand some of the quibbles that have been voiced about the subject topic I can fairly easily see just how it can help both of us. While there may be `the devil in the details' as has been mentioned I feel that there is quite a bit more to be gained for all and for us railfans a great opportunity to put a polish on our image. (Which, unfortunately in some places, has become tarnished by a small few yahoos. [I hate to hear the venom in some people's voices when they say `foamer' in respect to railfans who usually only really are just quite passionate about their chosen hobby. This is not to say that there *aren't* a small minority that deserve said venom but for the most part they are usually quite far and few between. Frankly I suspect that even the most reserved railfans are `foamers' about *some* aspect of this hobby from time to time. I know that I can `foam', sometimes more than just a little, about certain things I happen to greatly like about railroading. Just ask SWMBO and the children, {VB GRIN!}, they'll give you chapter and verse about them.]) This might also be a way for us to also `give something back', maybe as simple as "Thanks!", to not just the RRs themselves but to the people `on the ground (or rails)'? I do knopw that *I* am going to look a lot more into this and will probably end up signing up.
Just an `Olde Fart's' 2¢ worth.