Sounds like there is now additional renumbering of the districts in the County beyond Mountain View. The consortium agencies (career departments in the "plains" part of the County) have already switched over to a 3-digit system starting with the resource type and then the unit number.
City of Boulder is 100, Mountain View is 200, Boulder Rural is 300, Lafayette is 400, Louisville is 500. I think in part due to the limitations of the County's CAD, all of the consortium districts decided to number their stations sequentially. Mountain View's stations are #01 - #12 respectively, Boulder Rural's stations are #22 and #23, Lafayette is #24 and #25, and Lousiville is #26 and #27. Not sure what the City of Boulder will be. So for example the engine from Mountain View station 1, formerly 2201, is now Engine 201. Former Boulder Rural 2301 is Engine 323, etc.
For right now it seems that the City is still using their AABB structure on the CBIRS P25 system (e.g. 2501, 2570, etc.) but might use the Resource ### structure if/when they get an AMA with County (2502 = Engine 142?). Likewise, all of the volunteer districts in the mountains are using AABB as well as RMR, BES, ESU, etc.