LOC: Level of Consciousness or Loss of Consciousness
ALS: Advanced Life Support - these personnel are able to start IV's, insert advanced airway adjuncts, used advanced cardiac defibrillation methods, and give medicines
BLS: Basic Life Support - these personnel are EMT's, and can do more basic patient care protocals, such as giving oxygen therapy and splinting broken bones. Most can do basic heart defibrillation, too.
Thinking of some others:
CVA - Cebrebrovascular accident - a "stroke"
MI - Myocardial infarction - a "heart attack"
TIA - Transischmeic Attack - a "mini-stroke"
AED - Automated External Defibrillator
SAED - Semi-Automatic External Defibrillator
A&O - Awake & Oriented
There are a ton of others, let us know if there are any others that we might be able to help you with...