The "uplink" frequencies are suspicious, at only +750kHz from the "downlink", which would be quite a technical challenge (and pretty unlikely to be tried, or necessary). When I decode the Santiago CC with DSD+, I get no indication that the input frequency is anything other than the standard +30MHz offset, with repeated sets of:
IDEN_UP ID=0 Base=851.006250 Offset=-45 Spacing=6.25 BW=12.5
IDEN_UP ID=1 Base=762.006250 Offset=+30 Spacing=6.25 BW=12.5
IDEN_UP_TDMA ID=2 Base=851.012500 Offset=-45 Spacing=12.5 BW=12.5 Slots=2
IDEN_UP_TDMA ID=3 Base=762.006250 Offset=+30 Spacing=12.5 BW=12.5 Slots=2
MOT_BSI_GRANT Null BSI ch=770.443750
NET_STS_BCST WACN ID=BEE00 SysID=9D2 LRA=0 CC=770.443750 SC=70
Opcode=5 MFID=90 05 90 ...
Opcode=9 MFID=90 09 90 ...
RFSS_STS_BCST SysID=9D2 LRA=0 RFSS=1 Site=30 CC=770.443750 SC=70
SCCB RFSS=1 Site=30 [ch=773.068750 SSC=04] [ch=774.056250 SSC=04]
SCCB RFSS=1 Site=30 [ch=773.568750 SSC=04] [ch=773.068750 SSC=04]
SCCB RFSS=1 Site=30 [ch=774.056250 SSC=04] [ch=773.568750 SSC=04]