Does anyone have any word on the progress on the feeds for DC and PG? The PG firefeeds.COM feed is very bad.
I know the old PG feeds that were hosted by West Lanham Hills Volunteer Fire Department are shut down and most likely not to be turned back on. The scanners are there collecting dust but I heard they have serious server issues. The Riverdale Volunteers hosted a feed before and for a little while after WLHVFD's were off line. Again I don't think they will be back.
If anyone is thinking of hosting PGFD again I suggest having three separate feeds with three separate channels. Channels one, three, and four. If you really want to make some folks happy have five feeds and add channels two and seven. To do this successfully you would need to select a location near Central Ave. This way all the channels would come in clear. Trying to monitor all of PGFD channels from one radio on one feed is just too difficult. Those channels are too busy to use one scanner. Even driving around I will keep the mobile on one, portable on the EMS channel or fire ground channel and scanner on the local police district. (I don’t want to give up my location, seems some folks are curious to who I am lol)Also, there is no need to hear 46.12, its just tones with the vocal in the background. Very annoying.
The old DC feed used to be from a kid in College Park attending the U of Md. He always shut it off during break and I' guessing he either graduated or got a girlfriend.