857.7625 FM in Caltrans District 3
Hi HotdjDave, and WayneH, and all,
While this is not perfectly complete... I hope it is still useful and interesting:
Some years ago, while searching for "new to me" CALTRANS freqs in District 3, I was trying out as many Caltrans freqs as I could, and got a hit on this one, found the missing link in my I-80 East corridor file, and have monitored it since. I could find no listing/explanation for this freq being in District 3, until today when I searched the RR>DB>CA for "857.7625". See results: http://www.radioreference.com/modules.php?name=RR&action=isf&stid=6&freq=857.7625
On LINE 4, I found:
857.76250 812.76250 North Statewide Operations Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) CA
This, I now believe, is how "Nevada City", AKA: "Nevada City Maintenance", can be heard on 857.7625. The why, I suspect, is that they had trouble sharing channels(14 thru 17) on I-80 (+ Hwy 49), with "Auburn", "Whitmore" and "Kingvale" (see District 3, lines 4,5,6 and 7, in this link: http://www.radioreference.com/modules.php?name=RR&aid=1234). (And maybe some Marysville and Truckee channels as well.) Further more, there is no Base/Dispatch/Maintenance Yard called Baxter, only a HAR (Highway Advisory Radio),. broadcast to your AM radio (car/near by). Baxter should be removed, Kingvale added and this panel needs updating. Have been told, some years ago, by a CALTRANS supervisor, there are 33 channels, up one from 32. Information taken from another website (that will not be copied here)(it too, BTW, is incorrect as to Nevada City), shows the first 32 look like 8xx.7375 or 8xx.9875MHz, and does not show a 33rd, which I believe is this assignment for "Nevada City Maintenance - 857.7625." I do not find this listed as such anywhere, have been listening for years, and would like to submit it on those grounds.
In that reference (link above) for District 3, line 5 would be more accurate, even if incomplete:
860.7375? 81x.xx75? BMR 136.5 PL ? 15 I-80 Auburn-Whitmore FM
where: freq= probably 860.7375, else 859.7375, (only 7 freqs on 32 channels);
input= probably 813.7375, (others to check: 813.9875, 814.7375, 814.9875);
tone= probably 136.5PL, (seven to choose from).
While this becomes a new entry:
857.7625 8xx.xxx5? BMR 136.5 PL ? ch? Hwys 20,49,174 Nevada City FM
Do know for certain: Frequency= 857.7625, FM, BM;
Areas worked= portions of St. Hwys. 20,49,174;
Base= "Nevada City Maintenance", AKA: "Nevada City";
Mobiles=73-1x, 73-2x Supervisors, 73-Sx Sanders, 73-Kx Plows, etc;
Channel= NOT 15!
Do not know for certain: input= 812.7625? not close enough yet;
repeater= assumed, due to terrain:
tone= no equipment to check with;
ch= 30 was heard once by a supervisor calling another.
I'm willing to work with someone/anyone to update District 3. I know a couple of CT guys, MAYBE can get some verification from them...Maybe I/someone can get written permission from other site to use their info here...And maybe someone else has something to add?
edit= fixed link + typo
Hi HotdjDave, and WayneH, and all,
While this is not perfectly complete... I hope it is still useful and interesting:
Some years ago, while searching for "new to me" CALTRANS freqs in District 3, I was trying out as many Caltrans freqs as I could, and got a hit on this one, found the missing link in my I-80 East corridor file, and have monitored it since. I could find no listing/explanation for this freq being in District 3, until today when I searched the RR>DB>CA for "857.7625". See results: http://www.radioreference.com/modules.php?name=RR&action=isf&stid=6&freq=857.7625
On LINE 4, I found:
857.76250 812.76250 North Statewide Operations Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) CA
This, I now believe, is how "Nevada City", AKA: "Nevada City Maintenance", can be heard on 857.7625. The why, I suspect, is that they had trouble sharing channels(14 thru 17) on I-80 (+ Hwy 49), with "Auburn", "Whitmore" and "Kingvale" (see District 3, lines 4,5,6 and 7, in this link: http://www.radioreference.com/modules.php?name=RR&aid=1234). (And maybe some Marysville and Truckee channels as well.) Further more, there is no Base/Dispatch/Maintenance Yard called Baxter, only a HAR (Highway Advisory Radio),. broadcast to your AM radio (car/near by). Baxter should be removed, Kingvale added and this panel needs updating. Have been told, some years ago, by a CALTRANS supervisor, there are 33 channels, up one from 32. Information taken from another website (that will not be copied here)(it too, BTW, is incorrect as to Nevada City), shows the first 32 look like 8xx.7375 or 8xx.9875MHz, and does not show a 33rd, which I believe is this assignment for "Nevada City Maintenance - 857.7625." I do not find this listed as such anywhere, have been listening for years, and would like to submit it on those grounds.
In that reference (link above) for District 3, line 5 would be more accurate, even if incomplete:
860.7375? 81x.xx75? BMR 136.5 PL ? 15 I-80 Auburn-Whitmore FM
where: freq= probably 860.7375, else 859.7375, (only 7 freqs on 32 channels);
input= probably 813.7375, (others to check: 813.9875, 814.7375, 814.9875);
tone= probably 136.5PL, (seven to choose from).
While this becomes a new entry:
857.7625 8xx.xxx5? BMR 136.5 PL ? ch? Hwys 20,49,174 Nevada City FM
Do know for certain: Frequency= 857.7625, FM, BM;
Areas worked= portions of St. Hwys. 20,49,174;
Base= "Nevada City Maintenance", AKA: "Nevada City";
Mobiles=73-1x, 73-2x Supervisors, 73-Sx Sanders, 73-Kx Plows, etc;
Channel= NOT 15!
Do not know for certain: input= 812.7625? not close enough yet;
repeater= assumed, due to terrain:
tone= no equipment to check with;
ch= 30 was heard once by a supervisor calling another.
I'm willing to work with someone/anyone to update District 3. I know a couple of CT guys, MAYBE can get some verification from them...Maybe I/someone can get written permission from other site to use their info here...And maybe someone else has something to add?
edit= fixed link + typo
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