I am a ham and have interest in scanning radio. Though I understand I will need to get an advanced scanning radio, I have an old Radio Shack Pro-51, which seems to still work. Unfortunately I see no method of placing a setting for a tone for a specific frequency. Does this mean the Pro-51 is basically now worthless since most frequencies now have tone requirements. Also, does a scanner have the ability to broadcast both sides of a repeater channel?
Very basically here, your radio is too old too set tone squelch.
You are a ham who understands frequencies so you can figure out what your scanner, basically a 2 m transceiver that doesn't transmit, can do.
As a ham operator I'm sure you understand, let's say on two meters. You have an output frequency and a offset input frequency, as long as you put the output frequency in, you're going to hear both sides of the conversation on a repeater.
Frankly I'm a little confused as to why you're asking these questions if you are a ham operator.??
Good luck to you and welcome, to radio reference, I'll let others go from here.🙂