There are no state regulations that I am aware of that restrict mobile scanners. Some municipalities may have them, but I haven't heard of any in SC. As always, descretion is advised. Don't be obnoxious with your radios or attempt to commit a crime with them and you should be okay.
I read that "if you are not using a police scanner in the furtherance of a crime then it is legal to use in a vehicle in SC" But dont hold me to it. Chris
I read that "if you are not using a police scanner in the furtherance of a crime then it is legal to use in a vehicle in SC" But dont hold me to it. Chris
Yes, that's correct. I checked on this when I was working for ADT. Some states have funny regulations like making you have a alarm systems contractor license to be legal to carry one.
i myself just do it ya only live once. when i make my travels ur way every year i use the 780xlt for cb radio. and in fla i go mobile license of only my il dl.
I PGM scanners for Hwy Patrolmen, County Dep's, and others. Some are regular scanner users. There has never been an issue that I knew about. I have two in my F-150 SC on top the dash. I keep them covered when I not in the truck. Larry
I have a dual band amatuer radio that has a few 2 meter and 440 freqs in it, but mostly public safety stuff on scan. It is used for scanning more than talking to folks with. I never have heard of anyone having problems in SC with mobile scanners.
There is no current law in SC that I am aware of. I also program scanners for law enforcement people. One saving grace for those in some other states like florida is having a ham license which always allow you to have it in your car, under federal laws, if it recieves ham bands. but if you get stopped be sure it is recieving a ham band