ok canada customs in that area (mine as well) use a system call MPT-1327 trunk system.
this is a pain to monitor because you can't just program the talk groups you want to hear you have to program these freq. 420.275, 420.0625, 420.575 to hear all the radio transmissions. However.....................the system also is used by niagara falls fire dept (ont.) and st. johns ambulance.
Thanks alot for your help I'll have to try these frequencys in my BC796D the next time i go to the casino in the falls. Would you program this type of trunked system as conventional since its not a type 2 or P25 trunked system.
conventional, iam a niagara falls fire fighter so i have to listen to Canada Customs as well.
withthis type of trunking system, I have no choise. Canada Costoms are always on the air, with primary and secondry inspections