Canon AFB New Freqs

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The FAA posted new UHF freqs for Cannon AFB NM if any of you monitor out that way.

Tower: Delete 348.4 and add 270.25
Departure: Delete 397.2 and add 307.175
Last edited:


Apr 13, 2004
South of Omaha, NE
Hey TinEar...

TinEar said:
The FAA posted new UHF freqs for Cannon AFB NM if any of you monitor out that way.

Tower: Delete 348.4 and add 270.25
Departure: Delete 397.2 and add 307.175
...Rumor has it the Vipers are leaving and are being replaced by "less capable" at least in speed, aircraft...

You heard or seen anything about that?

BTW...shame that Snooze and Trip are outta there...




DataBase Administrator
Dec 8, 2002
Its not a rumor about them the Vipers going away. =(

The missions of the 27SOW include infiltration, exfiltration and re-supply of special operations forces; air refueling of special operations rotary wing and tiltrotor aircraft; and precision fire support.


Apr 13, 2004
South of Omaha, NE
Ahh...that's it...

abqscan said:
Its not a rumor about them the Vipers going away. =(

The missions of the 27SOW include infiltration, exfiltration and re-supply of special operations forces; air refueling of special operations rotary wing and tiltrotor aircraft; and precision fire support.

A Special Operations Wing...I had heard there was something special heading that way...darn shame the Vipers are leaving/have left...

Although...I'm guessing, unless you're a fighter junkie, listening (where you can...) to those special guys will be nice too...

I like to hear the fighters...nothing gets the blood boiling quite like an O2 mask, a radio, and several fast movers with a mission...

The slow guys have a bit more time to loiter...even though the really cool guys either use radios that are "difficult" to intercept or they encrypt their's all is training...

If you guys out yonder get any good stuff...please post it...(I'm sure you will)...not all of us have ready access to your (lucky) brand of monitoring!




DataBase Administrator
Dec 8, 2002
12/26/2007 - CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- The 522nd Fighter Squadron encased its colors, in preparation of storing the squadron legacy until it is again needed by the Air Force, Dec. 21 in Hangar 208 after its final passes over Cannon Air Force Base, N.M.

The 522FS was the only remaining F-16 fighter squadron remaining at Cannon since the Base Realignment and Closure Commission deemed that the base needed to find a new mission. The 523rd Fighter Squadron and the 524th Fighter Squadron inactivated earlier this year.

The squadron's motto of "First in, Last out" was fitting to the squadron, said Col. Tod Fingal, the 522FS commander who relinquished command in the ceremony. The unit was the first to call Cannon home and was the last fighter squadron to depart, he said.

The 522FS, known as the Fireballs, has been in service for the Air Force in some form for the past 67 years, 48 of those were here at Cannon. The unit served in World War II where it was the only unit in Air Force history to fight as an infantry unit, they fought until they were captured and forced to walk in the Battan Death March. The squadron also saw service in Korea, Japan, Operations SOUTHERN WATCH and NOBLE EAGLE, and most recently in Guam.

The final pilot to fly a sortie in the name of the 522FS was Maj. Bob Battema. He said that at its prime, the 522FS had about 21 aircraft, 30-40 pilots and 350 maintainers worked together to keep the squadron flying.

At the time of the inactivation, there were six aircraft at Cannon and 12 pilots, said Major Battema, 522FS director of operations.

"This is not bitter sweet at all," said the major. "This is a great moment. The Fireballs have a great history and this is a great opportunity."

Cannon is now under command of Air Force Special Operations Command and their first squadron, the 73rd Special Operations Squadron, is set to be in place by February. Following the 73SOS, which will fly the MC-130W Combat Spear, the 3rd Special Operations Squadron will move to Cannon to begin flying the MQ-1 Predator.


Apr 13, 2004
South of Omaha, NE
Last of the breed...

abqscan said:
12/26/2007 - CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- The 522nd Fighter Squadron encased its colors, in preparation of storing the squadron legacy until it is again needed by the Air Force, Dec. 21 in Hangar 208 after its final passes over Cannon Air Force Base, N.M.

The 522FS was the only remaining F-16 fighter squadron remaining at Cannon since the Base Realignment and Closure Commission deemed that the base needed to find a new mission. The 523rd Fighter Squadron and the 524th Fighter Squadron inactivated earlier this year.

The squadron's motto of "First in, Last out" was fitting to the squadron, said Col. Tod Fingal, the 522FS commander who relinquished command in the ceremony. The unit was the first to call Cannon home and was the last fighter squadron to depart, he said.

The 522FS, known as the Fireballs, has been in service for the Air Force in some form for the past 67 years, 48 of those were here at Cannon. The unit served in World War II where it was the only unit in Air Force history to fight as an infantry unit, they fought until they were captured and forced to walk in the Battan Death March. The squadron also saw service in Korea, Japan, Operations SOUTHERN WATCH and NOBLE EAGLE, and most recently in Guam.

The final pilot to fly a sortie in the name of the 522FS was Maj. Bob Battema. He said that at its prime, the 522FS had about 21 aircraft, 30-40 pilots and 350 maintainers worked together to keep the squadron flying.

At the time of the inactivation, there were six aircraft at Cannon and 12 pilots, said Major Battema, 522FS director of operations.

"This is not bitter sweet at all," said the major. "This is a great moment. The Fireballs have a great history and this is a great opportunity."

Cannon is now under command of Air Force Special Operations Command and their first squadron, the 73rd Special Operations Squadron, is set to be in place by February. Following the 73SOS, which will fly the MC-130W Combat Spear, the 3rd Special Operations Squadron will move to Cannon to begin flying the MQ-1 Predator.

While I truly appreciate the sacrafices our proud SOC Warriors make...

Those guys know we have their six...

Curses on the MQ-1 and any other "UCAV"...

I feel this is truly the dagger in the heart of the fighter pilot.

Eh...2's Blind...

Thanks for the update...

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