I was recently given a CB base antenna, and I was thinking about converting it for 46 MHz Rx, but I have a couple questions about it's construction.
It has a 102" driven element, but there are three short (roughly 10") radials mounted about a third of the way up from the bottom. What purpose do these serve? Should I bother trying to move them and scale them when I convert the antenna, or just remove them?
It also has three radials, about 108" each. I remember reading somewhere that ground plane radials need to be at a 45 degree angle to create a 50 ohm load. These radials are angled much more downward. What is the reasoning behind this, and will this cause any problems when trying to retune the antenna for a higher frequency?
It has a 102" driven element, but there are three short (roughly 10") radials mounted about a third of the way up from the bottom. What purpose do these serve? Should I bother trying to move them and scale them when I convert the antenna, or just remove them?
It also has three radials, about 108" each. I remember reading somewhere that ground plane radials need to be at a 45 degree angle to create a 50 ohm load. These radials are angled much more downward. What is the reasoning behind this, and will this cause any problems when trying to retune the antenna for a higher frequency?