without a good antenna, whatever you do will be a waste... the antenna that goes through the windshield doesn't work... at least I've never heard anyone saying it works... mostly you see people put that and a little 18" antenna.. and they can get few hundred feet of usable range.
so plan on a good 5 foot tall CB antenna.... if you're worried about the paint.... drill a hole in the roof and install a Larsen antenna they are said to be fantastic!
NMO27 - Larsen NMO 52" CB Antenna 1/4 Wave
every new CB person will always say no hole... no way.... no how.... but if you're going to stick with the hobby, it's the way to go.
if you want to get your feet wet and see if CB is still fun... put a minimum 5 foot Mag mount on the roof... I had a k-40 on my Blazer in the same spot from 1990 to 2000 ( I drilled a hole for the coax and siliconed it in place through the fiberglass top so it wasn't removable) when I took it off 10 years later the paint was fine... little more shiny than the rest of the truck... but no one is going to see the roof!!!
I have a magnetic mount now and I take it off once a week and lay in in the bed of my truck and run it through the car wash..... so it has been on and off about 100 times ( 2 years) and the paint looks perfectly fine... my antenna has a rubber bottom that seems to protect the paint. so I wouldn't worry about the mag mount. and try it out... in a few months you'll know if you're going to stay with the hobby then drill the hole...... so for now look at the Wilson 1000 or the Stryker SAR-10 or what they say is the best.... the Sirio 5000 performer... and also buy the magnetic base for the Sirio ( the Sirio is 77 inches tall!!!)...you can later drill a hole and permanently install the Sirio
as for the CB ....all the new radios have NRC ... I believe the Cobra 75 all road has something similar.... I'm not sure how well it will work ( I doubt Cobra has it working as well as NRC in other radio's
... Radioddity makes a lot with NRC....but it's mandatory in CB's now... it removes a lot of the static background noise allowing you to hear people far away or hear cheap low powered radio's that you could never hear without it.
with NRC receive turned on to # 2 or #3 a low 4 watt radio say 8 miles away might be heard... you could hear the person far in the background and talk to him.... his radio won't move your Signal meter but you can just hear him and talk to him..... if you shut off the NRC all you will hear is static. .... truly worth getting
no one is on CB anymore.... you will barely get a radio check anymore.... but Side Band is hopping! so many people on SSB it's ridiculous... everyone is talking skip on SSB all across the world.
if you're going to spend the money ....that Cobra 75 all road is $199.....you really should get a good radio and they are large.... as SlowMover said the Radioddity QT80 ( $299.99) is fairly small for a SSB radio packed with great features... and a 100 watts of power!!!!...
you could get a Anytone 5555 N II for under $200 with free shipping from China
Anytone 5555 N II but it's a massive radio 12 inches long!!!!
before you buy the Cobra 75 All Road.... and I'm sure it will do fine for just CB... it does looks easy to install.... take a look at the Radioddity CS-47..... it's very similar but the cord is permanently connected to the unit.... but it's the size of a pack of cigarettes so you could easily mount it between the seat and console.... and then just hang the mic on the dash ... it's much cheaper than the Cobra.... it also has NRC and it can be modified by just moving a jumper inside it.... once modified it puts out 8 watts on AM and 15 watts on FM it's $76.00 at Amazon
Radioddity CS-47
I did a range test with the Radioddity CS-47 from my F150 to my Base and it did ok... 9 miles.... ( mobile to Mobile would be far less)
whatever you get for a CB have fun with it and the hobby.... but the important part is the antenna and it needs to be at least 5 feet tall ( mine is 57 inches but does what I want it to do. I have a Tram 3500, it was discontinued a few years ago and the warehouses were selling them cheap to get rid of them.... you used to be able to buy one for $55.00 bucks!!! ...but they are now $85 bucks.... and for $85 bucks I would think it would be worth while to spend a little more and get a better antenna like the Stryker SAR-10 ..... it's on sale at Walmart right now for $105 bucks GREAT DEAL
Styker SAR-10
this is my CS-47 range test .... if you fast forward it to about 29:00 you will see the range test.... but using that same base antenna and the same mobile antenna... most CB's I test are all about the same 9 to 10 miles
good luck with whatever you get.....
come back sometime and let us know what you get and how it works.