I have owned many K40 antennas. I have owned several Wilson 1000 magnetic antennas.Hello what do you recommend for a good mobile magnet antenna
so what did you finally decide to get and how is it working for you?Hello what do you recommend for a good mobile magnet antenna
I know all the professionals say to drill a hole... I know anyone serious about radios drills a hole... I know the best antenna's are drilled in the roof.... I know magnet mounts are just temporary and don't hold a candle to a permeant hole drilled roof mounted antenna.
I have 2 NMO-27s that are 30 plus years old on outside on my bedroom A/C and still working fine. as long as you clean the up after the winter. Great Larsen products
great to know.... I know anyone serious about the hobby when I mention a magnet mount makes a face like I insulted their mother. I also know it is so scorned at that I thought the magnet mounts didn't work as well.... thanks for the info. I also couldn't imagine shutting a door or window on the coax..... I drilled a hole in the plastic drain cover inside my bed and drilled a hole in the back of my cab put in 1 inch grommets then put silicone on the grommets to keep the coax from moving and to water proof them.... I was very lucky to find a hole in each corner of the bed with a plastic cover inserted in them that I could drill through. as always thanks for the info MmckennaComparing like for like antennas, one permanently mounted and one magnetic, there's only a small difference in performance, and usually not enough for most to notice.
Where it makes a difference:
If you have a poorly tuned/bad antenna that puts a lot of energy on the coaxial cable, it can impact performance.
Routing the coax cable is the other challenge. Pinching coax in the door/window will change its shape, and that will change its impedance, that can impact tuning/performance.
Coax that is repeatedly slammed in a door/pinched in a window can damage the jacket. Damaged jacket can let water in. Water + copper can cause corrosion.
Leaving a window cracked/open to pass coax can be a security risk for some.
But, it works fine for many, and sounds like it works fine for you.
In pro installs, I don't want to deal with damaged coax, someone pulling the antenna off, windows left open, or any possibility of sub-par performance, even if it's minor.
For hobby use, find what works for you and go with it.
jeeps... not to start a new topic.... anytime someone mentions Jeeps and antenna's I always pay attention to see if anyone has come up with something that works..... but I have never talked to a jeep that got more than a couple miles range.. is there anything that works on them? I guess the 102" Stainless Steel whip must work on them?I tend to hang on to my trucks for a while, so it's worth it for me to do the install right when the truck is new. Then I don't have to worry about it later on. I've been putting permanent mounts on all my trucks since the late 1980's. I prefer the look. Never once had an issue wtih selling it, either private party or trade in. Don't let anyone give you that B.S. line.
Plus, the last few trucks have been Ford's, so magnet mounts won't work, even if I wanted that.
As for scorn, I'm sure people do. I try not to, but do attempt to make a good case for doing it. There are some installs where it's not an option (Jeeps, pretty much just jeeps).
My scorn is usually reserved for the fender brackets. (Well, maybe kidding there a bit).
I tend to be cautious with recommendations from hobbyists, as they tend to not work with enough gear to actually have real world hands on experience. Most of what you hear is passed on from person to person. I have consistently heard good things about K40's. Not that I've ever owned one.
jeeps... not to start a new topic.... anytime someone mentions Jeeps and antenna's I always pay attention to see if anyone has come up with something that works..... but I have never talked to a jeep that got more than a couple miles range.. is there anything that works on them? I guess the 102" Stainless Steel whip must work on them?