"Also, the "10 meter amateur" transceivers from Galaxy, Ranger, Connex.. they have superior all-around performance than certified CB radios. They can all be modified for 11 meter use which is a violation of part 95 rules, so operator discretion is advised.
But they make great radios for the under-used 10 meter ham band, if you're a licensed amateur radio operator.
bassuener "
I am sorry but I very much disagree with this, or at leat the part that about the export radio being of better quality then a stock certified 11m(CB) radio. Once you monkey with it, the quality drops! Also, if one takes the thing to someone who doesn't know what he/she is doing-well that's a few hundred down the drain.
One last thing-REAL ham radios don't have echo, talk-back, or even ROBOT voice features. If one must use one of these for 10m, I suggest the old ranger line (RCI 2950 0r 2970) as these are made for 10m-Using a Galexy 99 or some such is just a waste of money.