MEGAWATT (eBay) is a “value”.
What’s sold at HAM RADIO OUTLET or DX ENGINEERING is more representative of what the Amateur Radio crowd considers to be “adequate”.
does not make sense to try and save a buck to run a base station with noisy and/or unreliable power supplies.
systems of which a radio is just a component take precedence over the gear piece-by-piece. A weak link isn’t acceptable.
Take your time to cover what’s available.
A gift to my son included an ALINCO DM-30T power supply as example of one component of many for both mobile and base station radio set-ups. What radios, antennas, amplifiers, etc., were chosen on the basis that there is a low limit to which to adhere.
The example P-S given isn’t made as a recommendation, per se. In this range of performance & price (plus size & ease of use) was that it was on sale.