re CCG Prescott Radio
>Currently monitoring CCG Prescott Radio assisting in SAR of 2 vessels in lake Ontario. >Algo North has rescued 2 people. Comms on Marine Ch. 16, 156.800mhz. Both Toronto >Police and Peel Police marine units responding. From Toronto I only get the Coast Guard >side.
For Canadian Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary and police SAR operations on
Western Lake Ontario, the following frequencies will usually be active:
ch 16 - 156.800 MHz.
ch 65 - 156.275 MHz.
ch 24 - 157.200/161.800 MHz. (duplex)
ch 27 - 157.350/161.950 MHz. (duplex)
ch 82 - 157.125 MHz.
Sometimes CCG and CCGAux units on SAR tasking in the Grimsby area will be
found on ch 19 - 156.950 MHz.
CCG and CCGAux SAR Exercises are usually found on ch 19 as well.