I thought this was posted somewhere but I can't find it in the archives - does anyone have a link to a map of the CDOT districts (ie one that shows where Hwy. 1L is, Hwy. 2M, etc?) similar to the state patrol map?
There is a link in the Colorado Wiki that takes you to:
DTD DataAccess - Statistics, Maps and Data - Maps Data
Thanks! Looked last night and couldn't find it.
I'm guessing the right map is the CDOT Maintenance Patrols map? Where is District 9 that is listed in the database but not shown on the map? And what the 'Tom' channels. They aren't shown on the maps. Is this 'tac'?
My other concern is it appears that map was last updated in 2006, believe from monitoring at least that there been lots of recent changes.
Go here:
DTD DataAccess - Statistics, Maps and Data - Maps Data
Then select 'statewide maps' and when the drop-down appears, select the Maintenance Patrol map and it will give you a download of it in .pdf. This will line up with the talk groups in the database.
Im hoping that as we log and update these we also put the counties that those TG's are used