"...cheap ham crap radios..."
HEY, wait one cotton pickin' minute there Bababooie! I'm well aware of Moto's superiority because it's designed to operate in a harsh RF environment and many hams including myself have used it. In fact a great many repeaters, packet BBSes and other such applications use it for that reason "butcha doesn't hasta call me Johnson." (;->)
On the serious side it all depends on the radio, I have seen some pretty crappy commercial rigs and the Motorola Executive must be about the worst. Someone gave me one and it actually came in handy, I put the 5 section heleical preselector in an old tube type RCA base station and it immediately turned into the hottest, most IM immune receiver I ever used. See? Even Motorola crap is good for something. (;->)
On the other hand my Azden 2M mobile is useless on a certain section of highway because of IM interference while mt Yeasu can sit under a tower and laugh at it. Maybe that's why the Azden became my dedicated packet rig. (;->)
Nah, Moto is OK, I'm particularly fond of the Micor series, good old rugged and reliable. The 100W GE Mastr 2 I retuned for 6M was my favorite. I got plenty of unsolicited comments on it's fabulous audio and it could transmit all day without breaking a sweat, barely got warm even.