I use the original F Loop which looks similar to the "Total" version. I have not experienced RF on the coax like prcguy though. Still, I do use a MyAntennas choke on my OCF antenna at the feed point and it works very well. It reduced my noise floor about 2dB, but that's at my location/environment. I previously used a different choke and it did not make much of a difference. Spending the money on the MyAntennas version was well worth it to me.
I use my F Loop on top of a an old video camera tripod. Thus, it is stronger than a tripod meant for cameras, yet still light weight. As for tips, dial up the frequency first, then adjust the Chameleon to resonance by ear. Using a loop like this will keep you busy, but it is quick to setup/take down.
Here is something to note in case you do not already know, I believe you have an Icom 705 and viewing a wide sweep of bandwidth on the scope is not something the loop will afford you, as the tuning is narrow. Alternatively, an end fed antenna can cover multiple bands very well and any SWR concerns are cleaned up with a tuner. (You do not use a separate tuner with the loop)
I carry the F Loop and an End Fed and the latter is preferred. I made a 49:1 transformer using some parts a cool guy sent me and it works well for QRP. There's a thread on here where prcguy and I talk about building it with pictures too. Still, the Chameleon definitely shines when there is noise I need to null, or a tree is not to be found in order to elevate the end.
One other thing to note, I enjoy making phone contacts with low power. Digital modes will be more efficient, with the inefficient loop. The scope on the 705 is not needed at that point because we all go to the watering holes (known frequencies) for digital.