Changes within state?

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If I wanted to monitor every county in a state for changes (in the database), is selecting each county the only way to do that? Couldn't I just select a state and get all of the subsidiary updates? My state has 62 counties, so....


Mar 30, 2006
I believe that is the only way to do it.

It'd be nice if the state had a history tab on it that would reflect not only changes made at the state level, but those at the county/city level as well.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
NeFire242 said:
It'd be nice if the state had a history tab on it that would reflect not only changes made at the state level, but those at the county/city level as well.
This would have so much information as to be absolutely useless in most states. It would be a data overload for your mind.


I wonder how difficult it might be to add a selection button that does a global select for each state. Instead of having to rotate through the selection process over and over again for each county in a state, how about an "all counties" choice that would just pick them all?


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX

After re-reading this topic, I am confused as to what you are asking in the original post.

Do you mean you would like to be able to have the state entry on your "My RR" page list where you normally put agencies or counties? Or did you mean you would like to see graphically what counties in a specific state were updated? Could you be a bit more clear in your desire?

What confuses me is that the main database page shows (via highlighting) those states that have had changes to any entity within the state and of course the state page would reflect (via highlighting) what county or agency had that change.


I would like to be able to watch all 62 counties in my state for changes without having to select each individual county one at a time.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
DaveNF2G said:
I would like to be able to watch all 62 counties in my state for changes without having to select each individual county one at a time.
David, not to appear to be beating a dead horse, but that is what you said in your first post, just reworded. How about explaining, in detail, what you envision? I mean, every state (even yours) shows what counties/agencies have been updated, you only have to look at those that have changes; you don't have to check each county/agency individually. As of right now, nothing in your state has changed in the last 24 hrs.

If you are looking for a synopsis page of changes (sort of like a rolling history), I don't think that is going to happen (for the same data overload reason I stated above.)


I'm not sure what more I can say. I want to be able to make one single "county watch" selection that would activate a list of all counties in my state on the RR home page. Come to think of it, I'd like to be able to select a watch list including all trunked systems in my state using the same method. I envision one additional choice on the page where we select each individual county or trunked system that says, "Watch All" or something similar, that would, when clicked, add every county or trunked system in the current state to my personal watch list.

I don't know whether you have actually selected any counties or SMRs for your own personal watch list. If you have, then you know what a tedious process it is. I'm looking for a shortcut.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
DaveNF2G said:
I'm not sure what more I can say. I want to be able to make one single "county watch" selection that would activate a list of all counties in my state on the RR home page. Come to think of it, I'd like to be able to select a watch list including all trunked systems in my state using the same method. I envision one additional choice on the page where we select each individual county or trunked system that says, "Watch All" or something similar, that would, when clicked, add every county or trunked system in the current state to my personal watch list.

I don't know whether you have actually selected any counties or SMRs for your own personal watch list. If you have, then you know what a tedious process it is. I'm looking for a shortcut.
Well yes, I have activated some, both county and TRS. But I don't use them to keep up with changes. I, like you, want to know what is happening over a wider range of entities. I only use the "home" page for a quick link to a specific county or TRS. I use the Database Main page for what you are trying to squeeze into your home page. The Database page tells me if anything is changed in the states I am interested in (in my case Texas, Louisiana, South Dakota and New Mexico), when I see the state highlighted, I then click on it and see what county might have been affected and if interested, I will drill down more. I am guessing that the announced changes for the site under RR Version 3 (Lindsay posted them this afternoon in this forum) will help you gain what you are looking for, but I don't think your exact wants are going to be addressed.


Hmm. I think we've finally reached a meeting of the minds. :)

What you're telling me is that there is another and perhaps better way of doing what I want already. I'll give that a try.
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