City of New Bedford going TRBO/ Digital

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Dec 15, 2009
New Bedford,Ma
The city of New Bedford is upgrading there 20+ year old system. The New Bedford finance council and city council has approved a proposal to upgrade its aging radio infrastructure/ equipment. the city has accepted to upgrade the police radio system to P25 digital. And all other city agencies such as EMA, COA, HDC, airport, DPF, DPI, and highway will be going to MOTOTRBO. The New Bedford Housing authority already has there own repeater system of Mototrbo. This project should only take a few months. Thew New Bedford fire department will also be completing there own project of installing mobile repeaters in all of the depts. apparatus. The fire dept will also be finalizing the Narrowband programming for all the stations radios, and truck radios as well to put in the county system in the trucks also.

There will also be an implementation of an analog UHF repeater for "interop" there maybe 2 frequencies for that. we will also program the U-tac channels into the radios, these two analog interop frequencies will be used by all departments, this will be mandatory protocol whenever the situation arises that another department needs to get in contact with another.
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