City Stages

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Feb 7, 2003
Birmingham, AL
Good evening all -

Does anybody know if Birmingham PD is operating city stages stuff exclusively on Event 2 (50576), or are they using another channel for other operations/special assignments at the event?

Does anybody know what channel Birmingham Fire is using (I am guessing it is an EMS channel).

Finally, anyone know what other law enforcement agencies are participating in the security aspect of the event - and where should we listen?



P.S. - on a side note, I never understood why BPD uses some ranking officer (sgt, capt, lt, i never remember who it is) to be the "dispatcher" and coordinator of the units during these huge events. I know from past years there has been a dispatcher that just sits in the radio room on the side-lines in case they are needed, but it seems like they should take a more proactive role in controlling things. Just let the supervisors make their supervisor decisions - like they normally do. It is always funny to me (yet sad) when the $#it hits the fan, because whoever it is controlling the radio traffic just gets upset, angry, and can never seem to handle the whole thing. Albeit, some dispatchers can't handle things much better either - but it seems like they would do much better to get a good dispatcher in there who can control the radio traffic and make good decisions...because, well...isnt that what they do on a daily basis?!? I hear dave wants to volunteer to work over. :)
May 23, 2003
Birmingham PD: EVENT-2 AKA "CH-7" Also ckeck out PD-NORTH.
Birmingham FD: EMS-2
463.5875 - some media service connected with the event?


Nov 5, 2006
Birmingham, Alabama
Well...... believe it or not, I am working *hitty stages this year. I hate this event. Our parking deck becomes the port-o-let hub on level two and the VIP section on level three. By the end of the weekend the deck smells like pizz and old beer.
ANYWAY.... I believe the reason the tact van is the primary "dispatcher" (if you will), is because he knows where specific assignments are. Yes, they could let us know, but they don't. On the bright side, its really usually just easy money for the real dispatcher.

We will be exclusively on the special events channel.

I think the county sometimes helps with security, but they are usually not on our radios.

Im working today from 1100hrs - 1730 and tomorrow I will work my regular shift from 0630-1500 on north, then from 1730-close of *hitty stages.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 14, 2004
KD4NII said:
463.5875 - some media service connected with the event?

Haven't ever heard of that one. I know Fox 6 uses 450.650. That can be kind of comical at times... especially when they're trying to get a live-shot set up on a short time line at a hot scene.

It's funny to watch how smoothly it comes across over the TV when I've just listened to a screaming mess for the past half hour. They do good work, though. They always seem to make it.
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