I think some common sense ideas are needed here.
For example in dry weather close the range or no flares allowed!
Course remember when that school got shot up with A-10 bullets on weekend
Potential bad news for New Jersey is Air Force eventually relocates fighter squadrons
elsewhere where States want bombing ranges.
Big loss of revenue to go along with that.
Tough call New Jersey!
Course down here in Maryland we will take them at Pax River water orientated ranges!
I think some common sense ideas are needed here.
For example in dry weather close the range or no flares allowed!
Course remember when that school got shot up with A-10 bullets on weekend
Potential bad news for New Jersey is Air Force eventually relocates fighter squadrons
elsewhere where States want bombing ranges.
Big loss of revenue to go along with that.
Tough call New Jersey!
Course down here in Maryland we will take them at Pax River water orientated ranges!