I know what 'Code 5' is but what is 'Tom'?
lmriggs said:I know what 'Code 5' is but what is 'Tom'?
lmriggs said:I know what 'Code 5' is but what is 'Tom'?
lmriggs said:I am talking about Loveland PD at least but I'm sure I've heard CSP using it also. I know it is of concern to them because they will 'confirm' the 'tom'.
jimmnn said:Tom is a warrant I believe but that varies greatly between departments.
n0doz said:Try 1968 (or thereabouts, when I got my first RS Patrolman radio.) Who's yo daddy!
n0doz said:He's not frank, he's Phil! Lot of scanning talent there. And really a nice guy, too. I admit that quite often I feel the same way he writes... I just usually keep it to myself these days. (Although I used to be a lot more "vocal" in years past in other forums.)
True, no dumb questions. "Repeat" questions are a different matter. Research before asking seems to be a lost art.
Do you remember the sergeant's name on Adam-12? Now THAT would be sick....
Wasn't one of them 712? I can't remember the other...jimmnn said:I remember Sgt Sullivan and Sgt King and Sgt Mac Donald
What were the badge numbers of officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed?