Is there any way to "compress" playback from the archives to reduce the dead air time?
While we're on the topic of the archive files, were you ever able to figure out what Streamripper does with that 10 seconds or so between files that it seems to lose? Or is that just an unfortunate consequence of running so many instances of Streamripper that it lags a bit when starting up a new file?
I've used Streamripper for quite a few years and have never come across lost data like that. If anything, I experience the opposite effect andget a few seconds of duplicated data between files due to it picking up buffered audio at the beginning of each file. Then again, I'm not ripping hundreds of streams at once, so it's really unfair to compare the two situations.
Also, is changing to 30 minute files still in the plans as a method to reduce the lost data, or no? I was actually looking forward to a change to 30 minute files, as the 15 minute ones are a bit tedious to work with for long incidents, particularly having to download so many of them one at a time.
Much larger Filesize or Time Delay between archives would really Decerase the enjoyment value of Archives.
There are plenty of Download Managers out there that make D/L a days worth of archives Simple.